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1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

In Septmeber we launched 1,000 Books before Kindergarten! This is an ongoing program that you and your child can join at any time! 

How it Works:

  • Any child from birth to kindergarten is eligible
  • Sign up and receive a 1000 Books folder
  • Record the books you read
  • Read the same book more than once? Record it each time, repetition is the key to learning!
  • Books read at story time, at daycare, or by others to your child all count!
  • After each 100 books, bring your reading log to the library for your prize and a new page for your folder
  • Read 1000 Books and attend a special ceremony for program graduates (held twice a year)


Stop in to sign up or call the library with any questions. 

We'd like to thank Thrivent Financial for helping fund this program.

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