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Autumn Basket Social

Our Annual Autumn Basket Social is right around the corner! We are currently accepting donations including gift certificates, items, and also monetary donations to help offset the costs of the event.  

Need a donation form? Click Here


Make sure to mark your calendar for the night of the event Friday October 13th , doors open at 6:00 p.m. Along with the basket raffle we will have 50/50 and a bake sale! 

We are OUT of Eclipse Glasses

Thank you for thinking of the Northampton Area Public Library when searching for Eclipse glasses. As of Tuesday July 15th we gave out our last pair of Eclipse Glasses.

Check out these websites on where you could find glasses:


Check out our Facebook Page to learn how to make your own Eclipse Viewer. 

New Items - July

Here are all of the items we added in July. Click here to view the complete list. 

Don't see what you're looking for? Request an item during your next visit at the Library and we will try to get it through Interlibrary Loan or add the item to the collection. 


Check out our newest resource, TrueFLIX

The truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth about people, places, nature, history, science, and more! TrueFLIX provides eBooks that are enhanced with a related content in a variety of text types and media–including primary sources, fiction, videos, audio clips, images, and related websites.


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